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Reward Points:4
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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

I like nonfiction better the fiction because fiction is about books or short stories that are meaningless in a way. Nonfiction is about a story that has actually happened and it is filled with emotions. Weather the emotion is sad, happy, or angry, it is still a good story. One of my favorite nonfiction books is, "A Child Called It". It is a sad story about a little boy who was abused his whole life. His mother made him eat poison and do a lot of things you would think no one could ever do to their own child. I read almost the whole series and it made me so mad at the mother. She called him it and she basically didn't care about him but put on a 'mask' when someone asked about him.

1 point

I agree with Chelsea. Nonfiction is better then fiction because fiction is made up and nonfiction is about true stories that have a lot of emotions thrown into it. My favorite nonfiction book is, "A Child Called It".

6 points

The world today is better then the world then because the world then was more racial. If you were black then you were a slave and treated poorly. If you had a different believe in religion, then you were killed or sent away. You were treated by the way you were and that isn't fair. There is still racial and religious prejudice now, but there are laws that says that you are not aloud to do anything about it. People were judged on there sexualities. If they liked the opposite sex then they were killed. Now, there is a law that gay marriage is possible. There are no more slaves and black people are aloud to go to school and get an education. So, I think that the world is a better place today.

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