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Mrs. Nadeau's class

Ashleyl's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ashleyl's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

yes i prefer nonfiction stories and movies because of the fact that you are learning things that could help you in real life because you know that it has happened to others and then you learn not to do the things that had done, or you get the kids that like to be stupid and do the bad things that they heard or seen people do and then they get in trouble. but i think it is more interesting because i get to watch some thing that has happened to some one else.

3 points

no i do not think that the world today is more prejudice because back then the black people had to work for the white and not get payed they were just feed and given what the white people thought that they should have. also people used to beat them and then treat them like crap. they would make them sit seperate from the white people and if they were caught talking to another white person the kkk would go to their house while they were sleeping and either out their house on fire or they would take that person out of their house and kill them

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